SWRT 10: Write What You Know
November 14, 2016

Alida, Kathryn, and Matt talk about whether or not we should write what we know. When we do and when we don’t. How to find the knowledge you need. Resources. World building in the past & future. And the fun of writing what we don’t know!

Show Notes:

Do you always have to write what you know? And what defines what you know? How do you craft a character based on yourself? What about characters we have nothing in common with? We talk about building worlds based on our own, and where we research in order to create compelling worlds. In need of research assistance? We offer a wealth of resources we find useful, and recommend that you read bibliographies!

What we talked about:

Do you write yourself into your character? (0:27)

How do you write characters that you have nothing in common with? (3:44)

What about when you are building worlds? Do you use what you know? How do you learn more? (9:30)

What are your favorite research tools? (13:14)

Things we mentioned:

Bram Stoker