SWRT 151 | Unicorns & Fairies

What is a scene stealing adorable character? And how do we create them? Are they deliberate or accidental? And what do you do with those who don’t speak English? Are these characters three dimensional? And when have they earned their own spin-off?

SWRT 150 | Art in the Time of Corona

How soon is too soon to talk about something like the Coronavirus in our fiction? And how is the emotional impact of everything that is going on affecting everyone? How can we use this situation to benefit our craft? And what is the role of fiction in times like these?

SWRT 149 | Dark Endings part 2

How does it affect the reader? We explore all sorts of dark endings, including twists, gut punches, and those that leave no hope remaining. The ultimate question you have to ask yourself is how it affects the reader. Because ultimately, if your reader is satisfied, the ending can be as dark as you want it to be!

SWRT 148 | Dark Endings part 1

What makes an ending dark? And what is the difference between a dark and a negative ending? How do you craft it so that your readers find it satisfying? We explore how some genres rely more heavily on dark endings, and what the difference is between a dark twist and a truly dark ending.

SWRT 124 | Talia Carner, part 2

SWRT 124 | Talia Carner, part 2

How is the story behind the Third Daughter relevant to today’s world? Why did Talia take the story into the past rather than the present? Did the publisher object to the content of the book? And how can you keep it relatable to the readers, despite the content?