Story Works Round Table

conversations about craft

SWRT 151 | Unicorns & Fairies

What is a scene stealing adorable character? And how do we create them? Are they deliberate or accidental? And what do you do with those who don’t speak English? Are these characters three dimensional? And when have they earned their own spin-off?

SWRT 146 | Dressing Your Character

SWRT 146 | Dressing Your Character

Why should you think about clothing and fashion in your story? Is it just part of your world building and setting? How can you use it to illustrate your characters arc? Or your characters flaws and insecurities? What about when everyone is dressed in a uniform? We dig deep into the choices you can make about fashion and how it can affect every aspect of your story!

SWRT 3: Are We Our Characters?

Do we write ourselves into our novels? Is everything we write autobiographical? And what if you don’t have the experiences your characters do?

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SWRT 1: Challenges of Writing Characters

Have you ever struggled with your antagonist or supporting characters motivation? Or wonder what kind of work you need to put in before you start writing? We even get into what we do for character sketches and how our journals will lead to posthumous fame!

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