Story Works Round Table

conversations about craft

SWRT 136 | Refilling the Creative Well with Alina Sayre, part 2

SWRT 136 | Refilling the Creative Well with Alina Sayre, part 2

Has Alina refilled her creative well, or recharged her creative batteries? What would she advise those of us who need to find that balance in our lives? How do we write out of our own experiences? And how do we go out and get more of those experiences?

SWRT 136 | Refilling the Creative Well with Alina Sayre, part 2

SWRT 135 | Refilling the Creative Well with Alina Sayre

How did finishing a project bring Alina to a realization about herself, and her life outside of her author career? What experiences did she undertake in order to refill her creative well? And how does working on a project outside of what you previously finished help broaden your artistic horizons? We finish with a poem from Alina’s new book, Fire by Night.

SWRT 126 | Inspiration & Activism with Talia Carner

SWRT 126 | Inspiration & Activism with Talia Carner

What inspires writers to create a story? How small can that spark of inspiration be? Once you have the inspiration, you must also have the courage to write that story! We talk about how to write your way through a story, with only the destination in mind. And how to correctly use creative license in historical fiction.

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SWRT 080 | The Story Premise

What is a premise and how elaborate does it need to be? Does a premise limit your imagination or story? How do you know if you have a full premise, or just a piece of the story? And how long should you work on that premise?

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SWRT 032 | Resting the Writer’s Brain

Welcome back Robert! Since Robert just got back from a recent trip, we dive into the idea of travel. Are we travelers? And how far do you have to go to refresh your writing brain? What if you can’t afford to travel? And should your travel involve writing? What are the benefits of breaking out of your routine? And how should you record your travel for later?

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SWRT 022 | Inspiration

What is a high concept idea? And do you need one in order to write? Should you build your story around your theme or let it emerge through your story? And what about writing to genre conventions? We talk about what inspires us, how to write in and out of the box, and shut down that voice of resistance in your head!

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SWRT 10: Write What You Know

Do you always have to write what you know? And what defines what you know? How do you craft a character based on yourself? What about characters we have nothing in common with? We talk about building worlds based on our own, and where we research in order to create compelling worlds. In need of research assistance? We offer a wealth of resources we find useful, and recommend that you read bibliographies!

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SWRT 9: Story Ideas

Where do story idea’s come from? Can you cultivate ideas or do you have to wait for inspiration? We talk about travel, dreams, visions and how the writing process truly is one of discovery. Do you need an idea in order to write? And is creativity a limited well or a muscle you can whip into shape? What if someone else steals your ideas? You will be surprised where some of our inspiration comes from!

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