SWRT 001 | Dialogue | How it’s different from speaking; how it advances your story
May 19, 2017

In this episode, Alida, Kathryn, and Robert discuss how dialogue needs to be different from the way we speak and how you can use dialogue to advance your story.







How is dialogue in fiction different from real life? When should you use exposition versus dialogue? And how do you use your dialogue to move your story forward? When do you use dialogue to communicate information or explain things? And when should you shy away?

What we talked about:

How is dialogue in fiction different from real life? (1:08)

What is narrative summary or narrative exposition and how is it useful? (2:48)

How can you use dialogue to shift focus instead of using repetitive dialogue? (6:15)

What about less is more? (6:55)

How does ping pong conversation hurt your scene? And how do you fix it? (8:31)

Is your dialogue moving your narrative forward? (13:53)

Does dialogue always need to be conflict oriented? (17:52)

How can you use dialogue to replace exposition or to communicate information? (19:55)

How do you use naturalistic dialogue? (21:38)

When should you use dialogue to explain things? (22:40)



Things we mentioned:

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Lee Child
JRR Tolkien
Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris

Want more about these topics? Check out:

SWRT 30: Dialogue – dialects, gestures, tags, pet peeves
Flash Tip: Broken Breaks
60 Second Tip: Subtext

Have thoughts, questions, other examples? Join the conversation at the Story Works Writers Facebook group