SWRT 005: Soggy Middle Problem
June 8, 2017
Alida, Kathryn, and Robert discuss the soggy middle problem and what to do about it. Keep your action interesting and stakes and tension rising throughout the entire story.





What is a soggy middle? And what kind of writers tend to have problems with it? Are you giving your middle the attention and care it deserves? And what makes a soggy middle after all? After some much needed middle shaming we all agree – do not tolerate a soggy middle!

What we talked about:

What is the soggy middle problem? (0:40)

Is this a pantsing vs plotting problem? (3:30)

How supporting characters and subplots help solve the soggy middle. (7:00)

Are you giving your middle the attention it needs? (13:25)

How accepting the idea that you can have a soggy middle can be insulting to your reader. (17:58)

How can you make scenes that are boring, but necessary, exciting in the overall scope of the book? (20:00)

What sort of things can create a soggy middle? (21:00)




Doomspell by Cliff McNish
Write Your Novel From the Middle by James Scott Bell

Have thoughts, questions, other examples? Join the conversation at the Story Works Writers Facebook group