SWRT 030 | Writing Skills with Steve Peha
November 30, 2017

Alida and Kathryn welcome Steve Peha to the Round Table. We learn about Steve’s journey from technical writer to writing teacher to fiction writer and discuss the skills we all need to be good writers, regardless of genre.





How do you make writing interesting to kids? How can you evaluate any kind of writing to make it better? And how do you get anyone, regardless of their age, excited and passionate about creating great writing? We explore six traits of writing, how to find your writing territory, and the importance of publishing your work.

Visit Steve at his website or on Facebook.

Get a free download of the first chapter of Be a Better Writer!

What we talked about:

Steve’s background in writing and how he became a teacher. (3:20)

The book is aimed at kids, but the writing advice is universal! (11:35)

Good writing is good writing. (14:43)

The six traits of writing. (19:04)

How do you tailor the material to teaching? How do you make it work? (27:07)

The importance of territory. (30:45)

The importance of publishing your work. (33:27)


Things we mentioned:

A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
Creating Writers by Vicki Spandel
The Sense of Style by Steven Pinker
The Language Instinct by Steven Pinker
Pablo Neruda 
On Writing by Stephen King

Have thoughts, questions, other examples? Join the conversation at the Story Works Writers Facebook group