SWRT 034 | That’s Motivation!
December 28, 2017
This week, in honor of the holidays and the new year coming fast, we talk motivation. What motivates us to write and what are our favorite tools and tricks to keep ourselves motivated, especially when life gets crazy?




How do you stay motivated when life takes over your days? We talk about the issue of negative motivation, and how you can use motivation as a verb. What motivates us? How can you reconnect to the feeling of writing? We talk challenges, deadlines, writing in small chunks, and wrap up with our tips and tricks to keep ourselves motivated.

What we talked about:

What motivates us? (1:08)

The issue’s of perfectionism and negative motivation. (5:00)

Ask yourself – how am I motivating myself? (7:43)

Can you make your writing time inviolable? (9:55)

Reconnect yourself to the feeling and not the task! (14:00)

We all need a challenge! (15:38)

Deadlines as motivation. (16:25)

Write in small chunks. (17:30)

Wrap up of our tips and tricks for motivation. (21:16)


Things we mentioned:

Finish by Jon Acuff
The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
5,000 Words Per Hour by Chris Fox
Writing Better, Faster by Monica Leonelle
Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

Want more about these topics? Check out:

SWRT 21: Writing Prompts Part 1 
SWRT 22: Writing Prompts Part 2 
SWRT 15: Writing Habits and Productivity

Have thoughts, questions, other examples? Join the conversation at the Story Works Writers Facebook group