SWRT 046 | Writing Through Anxiety with Micah Joel
March 22, 2018
We welcome special guest, Micah Joel, back to the Round Table to talk about the writing life. No matter who we are, we’ve probably dealt with anxiety and depression at some point in our writing lives. Whether we’re talking clinical or “normal” stress and overwhelm, nothing kills creativity like emotional imbalance. Micah discusses ways to cope and overcome. He has an ebook and email course available at his site to help you get writing again fast!




Wait! If you haven’t yet listened to our first episode with Micah Joel, go back and check it out! SWRT 45 LitRPG.
What are some of the signs of anxiety or depression in our lives? And how should we deal with them? How can you recognize when there is a bigger problem than just writers block, or normal life stress? How can you prevent a downward spiral? And what level of stress is healthy stress? Remember that you are not in this alone! If you need help, get help!
You can find Micah at winningatlife.xyz
What we talked about: 
How do you keep writing while dealing with stress or the things of life? (2:30)
What are some signs of anxiety or depression in writers? What should you do about it? (3:43)
How does this come out in your creativity? And how do you fix it? (6:02)
How do you deal with the inner heckler? How do you get your creativity back? (8:10)
What about encouragement or feedback loops? (12:00)
How do you help prevent a downward spiral? (13:45)
Is some level of stress healthy? (15:45)
Does the writing produce the anxiety? Or does it suffer because of it? (17:48)

Have thoughts, questions, other examples? Join the conversation at the Story Works Writers Facebook group