SWRT 063 | Short Stories: How they differ from novels
July 19, 2018
This week, Alida, Kathryn, and Robert discuss short stories and how they’re different from the novel. We cover topics like the shortness of short stories, ambiguous endings, the importance of theme, stories as stories versus lead magnets, writing short to build craft skills, and more!




We all know short stories are short, but how does that change the way you write them? What is it with short stories and the ambiguous ending? And how can you tell if you are writing a short story, a lead magnet, or just a scene? Short stories are a great tool to use to better your writing craft so go out and write some, read some more, and enjoy yourself!

What we talked about:

Short stories are short, and that changes how you approach it. (0:25)

Short stories and their relationship with the ambiguous ending. (2:04)

How the ambiguous ending makes the reader think. (4:16)

A short story is not just a scene from a novel. (10:38)

The difference between writing styles from a short story to a novel. (12:45)

A short story can be different than a lead magnet. (13:30)

How you can use short stories to better your craft. (17:04)

Our encouragement to write short stories, and read them too! (22:30)


Things we mentioned:

The Nine Billion Names of God by Arthur C. Clarke

Want more about these topics? Check out:

SWRT 12: Short Stories part 1
SWRT 13: Short Stories part 2
SWRT 14: Short Stories part 3

Have thoughts, questions, other examples? Join the conversation at the Story Works Writers Facebook group