SWRT 115 | Writing Great Sentences, part 2
July 18, 2019

This week at the Round Table, Alida, Kathryn, & Robert continue their conversation about writing great sentences in novels of any genres. How many types of sentences are there? Do sentences need to be grammatically correct to be great? Do they need to be lyrical to be great? No. The sentences we craft serve a variety of purposes in our prose.




We continue our conversation about great sentences, if you haven’t checked out the first episode, SWRT 114 Writing Great Sentences Part 1, you should really go back and check it out before you listen to this one!

We dive right into more sentences starting with a pick from Robert from The Scorpio Races. Why are some pronouns invisible? And how does the rhythm of a sentence effect our perception? We talk about sentences from Blood Harvest and Annabel, how to justify every word you put in your story, and the importance of reading those sentences out loud!

What we talked about:

Robert’s sentence from The Scorpio Races. (0:35)

The invisible “it”. (3:30)

Sentence from Blood Harvest. (5:08)

The role of rhythm in creating tension and mood. (15:33)

Sentence from Annabel. (16:30)

How do you start with setting in a way that works? (20:30)

You must be able to justify why something is in your story! (22:20)

“Hard Ending” your sentences. (24:10)

Read your sentences out loud! (25:22)


Things we mentioned:

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater 
Blood Harvest by S.J. Bolton 
Annabel by Kathleen Winter 

Have thoughts, questions, other examples? Join the conversation at the Story Works Writers Facebook group