SWRT 137 | Writing – Life Balance
December 19, 2019

You know that feeling you get in the dead of winter, when everything seems gray and lifeless, when you feel like you haven’t seen the sun in months and you’re starting to think it will never return? 

Well, good news, the Winter Solstice is upon us! If you live in the great white north, like I do here in Minnesota, you know what I’m talking about. It’s the shortest day of the year and it signals the return of the sun, the warming of the earth, and eventually…spring! With all that light and life, comes renewed creativity, passion, and motivation to tackle your writing projects.

In order to spread a little light on the darkest day of the year, I have a special offer for you.

This week’s podcast is sponsored by the Story Works Fiction School, where you can find courses to take your storycraft to new levels, from understanding story structure to mastering character development. Right now, to celebrate the the winter solstice—as well as the holidays and your New Year’s writing goals—you can save 21% on any class at storyworksfiction.com. 

The code is SOLSTICE2019, that’s in all caps, so hit your caps lock and use SOLSTICE2019 to save 21% on your next writing course at storyworksfiction.com. 

The offer expires at midnight Central time on the 22nd, so you only have a few days to get this deal.


This week, Alida, Robert, & Kathryn take a new approach to the end of the year. Instead of assessing the year past & making plans for the year ahead, they discuss ways to balance writing with life. What does it mean to be a creative person in a busy world? How do you prioritize not only your writing, but yourself when there are so many other demands on your time and energy? Does valuing your own creativity help you show up in the world a better person? And so much more!










Show Notes:

How did 2019 go in our writing lives? And what lessons have we learned about how we have balanced, or failed to balance, our writing with our life? How can you shift your perspective from the outputs to the inputs? And how can we achieve that balance where our lives feed our creativity, and our creativity our lives?

What we talked about:

How did Robert’s 2019 go? (2:55)

How did Alida’s 2019 go? (4:40)

How did Kathryn’s 2019 go? (5:30)

What strategies are we finding for maintaining writing time in our lives? How do you prioritize your writing? (6:44)

Apply the principle of self-care to your creativity! (11:14)

How can getting your writing done affect the rest of your day or life? (15:48)

Using time as a goal marker – focus on the input! (18:30)

Work to have your life feed your creativity, and your creativity feed your life! (22:28)