SWRT 150 | Art in the Time of Corona
March 26, 2020

In this week’s Story Works Round Table, Alida, Kathryn, and Robert talk about art in the time of the Coronavirus. We take a look at how a writer can respond to these type of events in history, and how soon is too soon to write about our experiences.













How soon is too soon to talk about something like the Coronavirus in our fiction? And how is the emotional impact of everything that is going on affecting everyone? How can we use this situation to benefit our craft? And what is the role of fiction in times like these?

What we talked about:

How soon is too soon? When is it time to write about something like the Coronavirus? (1:05)

The emotional impact the virus can have, and how it affects your writing. (2:42)

How can the virus impact your current work in progress? (5:51)

Be an observer of human nature! (And use that to push your characters reactions.) (7:10)

What is the role of fiction during these times? Do we want to consume fiction about our current situation? (14:17)

Should you, as an artist, use your art to encourage those around you? (20:00)

Is there a light side to this emerging? Are you drawn more to writing something light? (22:40)

The importance of showing humanity, hope, and heart, even amidst tragedy. (27:00)

How has the “work from home” movement effected your creative life? (31:32)





Things we mentioned:

“Someday, We’ll Look Back on All of This and Write a Novel” 
Fried Green Tomatoes 
Steven Pressfield 
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck 


Have thoughts, questions, other examples? Join the conversation at the Story Works Writers Facebook group