Alida, Robert, & Kathryn use our voices this week to talk about voice. Not the spoken kind, but the written. What is an author’s voice? Does it just happen or is it crafted? How does narrative voice used with character voice? What about a character whose voice does not fit with the narrative? Can that still work? And more this week on the Story Works Round Table.
Alida is offering group coaching to novel writers starting in February 2022. Follow for details and to secure your spot at the table!
What we talked about:
Why are we talking about voice? (0:30)
Voice is the narrator’s point of view. (1:40)
It’s all about the style. (2:20)
Why should your voice be consistent? (3:45)
You can’t avoid having a voice. (5:25)
Voice is all about artistry. (8:00)
So how do we craft voice? What difference does it make? (8:55)
How do you become consciously aware of your voice? (24:35)
How can you use your unconscious mind? (27:55)
Get Alida’s Writing Tips here.
Things we mentioned:
The Post Birthday World by Lionel Shriver