SWRT 314 | Science Fiction & Our Possible Futures
January 16, 2025
science fiction novels over robotic hand

Join us at the Story Works Round Table for far-ranging, philosophical, and fun conversation about science fiction with special guests Brad C Anderson, author of Duatero,

Mark Morton, author of The Headmasters, Lance Robinson, one of the winners of the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future contest, and Kristina Rienzi, author of Among Us. From dystopias to conspiracy to environmental collapse, discover how these stories mirror our reality and spark imagination.

“You don’t need wisdom when you know what the right answer is.” – Brad Anderson

“How can you learn from the past if it’s forbidden?” – Mark Morton









Kristina Rienzi

Kristina Rienzi, M.A., C.P.C., is bestselling author of both fiction and non-fiction who has dedicated her life through psychology, coaching, leadership and writing to inspire and empower others. Her debut self-help book, 5 Happy Choices: The Simple Way to a Happier Life is a #1 New Release and Bestseller. Among Us, her latest novel was featured on Audible’s ACX University and an Audible Editor’s Select Pick. Kristina also holds advanced certifications in psychology, coaching, leadership and happiness studies. She lives at the Jersey Shore with her husband and daughter.

Lance Robinson

Lance Robinson is an environmental social scientist who often works closely with mobile peoples. He is a sporadic nomad himself, having lived variously in countries such as Ghana, the Gambia, Colombia, and Kenya. His stories have often explored how our relationship with the natural world is intertwined with our spiritual journeys. Lance is also an avid astronomy and space-travel nut, and he found the germ of his story “Five Days Until Sunset” at the intersection of pondering the spiritual search that never ends and wondering what life might be like on a tidally locked, “eyeball” planet. The story also asks what it means to live in harmony with a world that is ready to kill you, and what it means to have faith in the face of inconvenient truths.

Mark Morton

Mark Morton is the author of The Headmasters, a thrilling and thought-provoking YA dystopian novel set in the Canadian Shield. The Winnipeg Free Press has called The Headmasters “a worthy companion to books such as Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and John Wyndham’s The Chrysalids in contemplating humanity and freedom.” Mark now lives in Kitchener-Waterloo with his wife Melanie Cameron, also a writer. They have four adult children in various stages of geographic dispersal, four dogs, and one rabbit.

Brad Anderson

Brad Anderson lives with his wife in Vancouver, Canada, and they own the cutest dog on planet earth. Previously, he worked in the biotech industry in areas such as drug manufacturing, regulatory affairs and business development. In addition to writing, he currently teaches at a local university.





Things we talked about: 

Introduction of authors. (6:52)

Why choose science fiction? (9:18)

How do you bring the real world into your science fiction? (17:12)

What is special about science fiction in bringing the reader into your story? (24:08)

Do all genres do the same thing? (30:08)

Why these stories? (35:40)

What about aliens? (48:40)

What about a morality within the science fiction? (54:20)

What great piece of science fiction has inspired you? (57:10)

Recommended Science Fiction Pieces:

The Last of Us 

The Sheep Look Up by John Brunner 

Robert Heinlein

The Twilight Zone 

Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula LeGuin 





About Your Hosts


Alida Winternheimer is an award-winning author with an MFA in writing from Hamline University. She pursues her fervor for all things story as a writing coach, developmental editor, and teacher. Three times nominated for the Pushcart Prize, she is also a notable in Best American Essays and winner of the Page Turner Award. Author of The Story Works Guide to Writing Fiction Series, Alida lives and writes in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She camps, bikes, and kayaks in her free time. Unless it’s winter, in which case she drinks chai by the fire. You can find more at www.alidawinternheimer.com.


Kathryn Arnold writes fantasy and anything else that sparks her creativity from her home in Kingston, Washington. She currently earns her living as an insurance underwriting assistant, where she also creates marketing and web copy. When not writing, she plays (and teaches) piano and keyboard in a band (or two), and is working on starting a ministry team with her husband. You can find Kathryn at www.skyfirewords.com.