SWRT 4: Book Covers with Daria Brennan
October 3, 2016

Make sure you stay to the very end 

for a special offer from Daria!


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Alida, Kathryn, and Matt welcome designer Daria Brennan of Beegraphica to SWRT. We discuss covers, working with a designer, do’s and don’ts, and Daria brought 6 side by side pairs of covers to examine and discuss. It’s an enlightening and fun conversation!

Please Note: This episode of SWRT has a special guest! We occasionally invite someone with expertise to help us out with a topic related to the writing life. As such, we have relaxed our typical 20 minute format in favor of letting the conversation roll. We think you’ll enjoy it, we certainly did!

Show Notes:

Can an author do their own cover? What is it like to work with a professional cover designer? And how should you start the process? We explore market and genre conventions, as well as some tricky pitfalls of wanting a person on your cover. We even talk about how hard it was to find the houses for Alida’s covers! Stay tuned for an amazing side by side cover comparison, as well as a very generous offer. Make sure you check Daria out!

What we talked about:

Writers doing their own book covers, good idea or bad idea? (2:58)

What is the difference between markets in different countries. (5:25)

We explore the difference in resources between writers and designers, and why authors should think twice about designing their own covers. (7:35)

How do you work with a writer’s vision as a designer? (9:38)

What is your process for working with an author? (11:47)

We talk about genre conventions and how people are portrayed on covers. Are people on covers a good thing? And what to be aware of when looking for that perfect person to portray your character. (14:25)

What kind of preparation should an author come to a designer with? (19:20)

Mood as the most important factor when it comes to cover design. (20:52)

The preparation Daria takes before starting a new design. (22:21)

The trials and tribulations of Alida’s The Murder in Skoghall house. (22:54)

SPECIAL SEGMENT! An analysis of 6 different pairs of covers! Listen in as Daria takes us through different comparisons and how they were done well or where they came up short. Daria chose covers that are all good, but one in each pair is better than the other, and she explains why. This isn’t your typical “the good, the bad, and the ugly” comparison. (26:10)


Urban fantasy covers

And make sure you stay to the very end

for a special offer from Daria!