SWRT 9: Story Ideas
November 8, 2016

Alida, Kathryn, and Matt talk about ways to get those often elusive story ideas and turn them into full grown novels! Guess what? You don’t have to wait for lightning.


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Show Notes:

Where do story idea’s come from? Can you cultivate ideas or do you have to wait for inspiration? We talk about travel, dreams, visions and how the writing process truly is one of discovery. Do you need an idea in order to write? And is creativity a limited well or a muscle you can whip into shape? What if someone else steals your ideas? You will be surprised where some of our inspiration comes from!

What we talked about:

Where do you get your ideas from, is this something you can cultivate as a writer or do you have to wait for lightning to strike? (0:27)

Do you have to have an idea in order to write? (8:00)

Can you run out of creativity or creative ideas? (10:50)

Where can you find your ideas? Including an exercise! (11:25)

How do you build the creative muscle? (14:24)

What if someone steals my ideas? (15:05)